Bigbart's MafiaWars util


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Drag this link to the bookmarks - Bigbart's MafiaWars util. Go to your Facebook MW page and click on your new bookmark.

Version log:

@author bigbart
@version 3.4.1 2010-07-11 21h - [Firefox only - cz/en parsers]

 * History:
 * 3.4.1  - Patches for new iframe version and animals (2010-07-11)
 * 3.3.4  - Autogift sender (2009-09-26)
 * 3.3.3  - Viral items (godfather temporarily sales) grab 
 * 3.3.2  - Moscow item bar, patches for any new city (classes by mw_city[0-9] etc.)
 * 3.3.1  - Zynga has new travel menu for cities, repair travel click for item autograbber
 *        - initial collapse toolbar (default)
 *        - TODO: some facebook/mafia changes in CSS cause minor changes in design of util
 * 3.2.1  - code for menu refactored/heredoc'd
 *        - external CSS
 * 3.1.1  - CSS a code patching
 *        - mafia_items.script variable
 * 2.2.14 - commentary, cleaning, using jQuery.getScript method 
 * 2.2.13 - db enhancement
 *        - linkbuilding
 * 2.2.12 - hide the frustrating link Ask Mafia
 * 2.2.11 - items with two additional fields
 *        - link to items DB
 *        - path to script to variable
 * 2.2.10 - fixed only one last item bug
 * 2.2.9 - another type of fight table + FatBoy title bug 
 * 2.2.8 - thanks for sending items
 * 2.2.7 - properties efficiency autofiller
 * 2.2.6 - adds 'obrana' change in loot parser (changes in translate)
 * 2.2.5 - sending items anonymously
 * 2.2.4 - little security on posting/showing items
 * 2.2.3 - loots name to the singular (only Rambo's account bug)
 * 2.2.2 - new fight table arsenal grabber
 * 2.2.1 - basic server items browser ?items=1
 * 2.1.1 - better find member attack click
 * 2.1.0 - items/players server save
 * 2.0.2 - czech patch loot autograbber
 * 2.0.1 - append send button after send link (two way)
 * 2.0.0 - saving items to server
 * 1.2.2-beta - Fix "an" and "a" replace to 1 item in parsing arsenal
 * 1.2.1-beta - css cursors
 * 1.2.0-beta - efficiency counter use jQuery
 *            - efficiency autofiller (start/stop)
 * 1.1.4-beta - move atribute used to the items - not dynamicaly counts
 * 1.1.3-beta - add wait class to autograbber, update items after arsenal grab
 * 1.1.2-beta - memorize show/hide of tables
 * 1.1.1-beta - per member counter
 *            - arsenal parser view
 *            - already grab checking
 * 1.1.0-beta - arsenal grabber
 *            - arsenal tables by type with toggling
 *            - attack/defense show
 * 1.0.1-beta - Initialization issues fixed
 * 1.0.0-beta - Attack/rob/grab confirm stopper
 * 0.10.3 - Attack/rob defreezer
 * 0.10.2 - Autograb cycle anywhere :o]
 * 0.10.1 - Autograb city cycle - start at NY please
 * 0.9.12 - Fixed bug in autograb :o) now find data in first next interval and not jumping and buging
 * 0.9.11 - Unique revision, autograb click now preventDefault
 * 0.9.10 - Experimental autograb - (bugs - sometimes bad timings of loading and parsing, incomplete grab, other bugs)
 * 0.9.9 - Tablesorter with first item 0 repaired
 * 0.9.8 - UI feature,hints, animations
 * 0.9.7 - table sorter
 * 0.9.6 - details toggling
 * 0.9.5 - add type of items for looted items, new search without parent using :o)
 * 0.9.4 - add auto type of items for inventories (TODO loots because they are mixed)

Known bugs:

* Firefox only tested
* Due the MW javascript time ticker + jQuery initialization may browser freeze - please wait for initialization, my computer freezes max 20 seconds.

JavaScript source:

get source